Our Services old

Services Available

Minor Surgery
Minor surgery such as excisions, ingrown toe nail removal etc can be undertaken by your doctor. Generally you will need to allow 30 minutes.
Costs vary depending on the type of minor surgery but typically starts from $185.00.
Careplus is a PHO supported programme which assists patients with chronic illness and/or high health needs. Not everyone is able to be enrolled on this programme as there are set criteria. Your doctor will assess whether you are able to be put on CarePlus.
Cost $20.00.
Skin Clinics
For removal of moles, warts etc – our skin clinic operates every Tuesday. Any skin lesions must be seen by your doctor before attending our skin clinic.
Cost $20.00
LIFE Clinics
Nurse-led consultations supporting health and well-being. Not everyone is able to be enrolled on this programme as there are set criteria. Our nurses will advise whether you are able to be put on Life Clinics.
Sexual Health
For our under 20’s, ask our nurses about FREE and confidential sexual health consultations which can include contraception, pregnancy testing, sexual health checks and testing.
Medical Assessments
We offer a number of medical assessments including drivers licence < and > 75years, insurance and pre-employment.
Travel Vaccinations
We offer a comprehensive range of travel vaccinations. Please be aware vaccinations must be paid for at time of ordering.
The following is a detailed list of our services and costs; some of our services are doctor or nurse only and some are doctor and nurse - please enquire with our reception team about any of the following –
Aclasta infusion $100.00
B12 injections $15.00
B4School Check (4 year old imms) FREE
Blood pressure testing $10.00
Blood tests FREE
Cervical smears $30.00 with nurse / $42.00 with doctor
DepoProvera injection $20.00
Drivers licence <75 $42.00
Drivers licence >75 $60.00
Drug testing (test cup) $55.00
Ear syringe $25.00
ECG $40.00
Flu vaccine (non-eligible patients) $30.00
Immunisations – childhood FREE
Mole photos $20.00
Skin clinic $20.00
Smoking cessation support $15.00
Spirometry $30.00
Travel vaccinations Variable

Your Rights

Carlyle Medical Centre acknowledge as a user of healthcare services you are protected by the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ rights.

The Code of Rights means that you should have:
• Respect and privacy – Mana
• Fair treatment – Manaakitanga
• Dignity and independence – Tu Rangatira Motuhake
• Appropriate standards – Tautikanga
• Effective communication – Wakawhitiwhitinga Whakaaro
• Information – Whakamohio
• Choice and consent – Whakaritenga Mou Ake
• Support – Tautoko
• Rights during teaching and research – Ako Me Te Rangahau
• Your complaints taken serious – Amuamu

We invite you to view the poster version on our reception wall (next to aquarium); or you can find more information on the Health & Disability Commissioner website www.hdc.org.nz/

Making a complaint:
We are committed to ensuring your patient experience is a positive one; if there are aspects of your care which you are not satisfied with we invite you to discuss these with our Practice Manager (phone 06 8353720 or email practicemanager@carlylemc.co.nz).

If you feel you would like to make a complaint we have a formalised process to support this. The process covers both verbal and written complaints – again, please contact our Practice Manager to discuss.

You are also able to make a complaint through Health & Disability Advocacy, we have brochures available about this service.
The advocacy service assists people with making sure their rights are respected. Their service is independent of health and government agencies and the Health & Disability Commissioner. It is also free and confidential.
Advocates will listen to your concerns, give you information about your rights, identify issues and explore resolution options and provide support.
To contact our local Health & Disability Advocacy Service phone 0800 555 050 or emailadvocacy@hdc.org.nz You can visit their website at http://www.hdc.org.nz/