Kia Ora, Welcome to Carlyle Medical Centre
Telephone Consultations
We are able to offer telephone consultations, with video support if required, if this appropriate for your condition. You can book by phoning reception or through ManageMyHealth™.
We now use reCare video consultation - during your telephone consultation your GP will send you a text message link for this service. Click on the link and follow the onscreen instructions.
We now have a Carlyle Medical Centre Facebook group for the latest updates about the practice.
For the latest up to date information and advice on COVID-19 please visit The COVID-19 NZ Website or The Ministry of Health Website
Please self isolate if you test positive or suspect you have covid, do not go to work if you are sick. Please let us know if you need medical assistance. If you are age 65 or over with a positive RAT test you will qualify for antivirals (50 or over if Maori or Pacifica), please call us to arrange prescription.
Mission Statement
Providing the highest-quality, supportive healthcare.Vision and Values
Our vision is simple – we want everyone in Hawke’s Bay District to be healthy. Excellent health services working in partnership to improve the health and wellbeing of our people and to reduce health inequities within our community. To achieve this vision our values are –HE KAUANUANU | RESPECT Showing respect for each other, our staff, patients and consumers.
AKINA | IMPROVEMENT Continuous improvement in everything we do.
RARANGA TE TIRA | PARTNERSHIP Working together in partnership across the community.
TAUWHIRO | CARE Delivering high quality care to patients and consumers
Ki te kore ngā putake e makukungia e kore te rakau e tipu
If the roots of the tree are not watered the tree will never grow
Online Appointment Booking
Patients can book appointments online now - even if you haven't yet registered with managemyhealth

Can I enrol?
We are not currently enrolling new patients. This may change in the future in the mean time please check Health Hawkes Bay website for GP practices that are enrolling new patients.